
ERGOSIGN – “Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality”

 Romanian Furniture Manufacturers Association (APMR) has been the Coordinator of an Erasmus+ European project since last November. Under the acronym ERGOSIGN, the project “Novel learning approach for ERGOnomic principles for deSIGNers working in the upholstery and sleep sectors by using Virtual Reality” (2015-1-RO01-KA202-015091) proposes a modern approach of the learning and teaching of ergonomics of furniture products for designers and designers-to-be and will run through 2015-2017.

Upholstery and sleep sectors are important sectors of the European furniture industry, and they are equally important for the sustainabilty of this industry as for the economic health, the competitiveness and creativity, inovation, employment and exports of the sector.

ERGOSIGN proposes the creation of a flexible learning pathway and learning programme in line with the needs of learners and companies in the furniture, sleep and related sectors that will improve enterprise’s innovation, expertise and added value.

ERGOSIGN started in November last year, the kick-off meeting of the project being held in Bucharest on the 11th of December 2015.

The project consortium is made up of the following organizations:

Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of Murcia Region – CETEM (Spain);
the Faculty of Wood Engineering of “Transilvania” University of Brasov (Romania);
the University of Primorska (Slovenia);
Romanian Furniture Manufacturers’ Association – APMR (Coordinator) and
the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers (Poland).
This Project is co-financed by the European Union. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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